Admins can improve transcription accuracy by adding your team's unique phrases and terms to Rewatch. Common uses cases for custom vocabulary include industry-specific jargon, acronyms, and names of people, products, and companies.
Add a phrase to your channel's custom vocabulary
Any phrases you add to your custom vocabulary will be applied to all video transcripts in your channel. Phrases can be one word or multiple words.
Here's how admins can add to their channel's custom vocabulary:
Navigate to the Admin console in the bottom left corner.
Transcription settings
in the lefthand sidebar.Under
Custom vocabulary
, add your word or phrase.
Guidelines for custom words and phrases
Phrases must contain at least one alphabetic character.
Phrases cannot be longer than 12 words.
Individual words cannot be longer than 34 characters.
Phrases and words cannot contain any numbers.
Abbreviations must contain at least 3 letters and will only be recognized only when pronounced letter by letter, e.g. CPU.