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Manage your notifications
Manage your notifications

View your notifications and configure your notification preferences.

Natalie Pabón avatar
Written by Natalie Pabón
Updated this week

Notifications help keep you in the loop on what’s happening in your channel. You can get notified of new activity in a few ways: in the app, over email, and via mobile push.

Notifications overview

You will receive notifications for the following activity:

Video updates

  • Your videos are done processing and ready to share.

  • You have a new Zoom recording that’s ready to import.

  • New videos are shared privately with you.

Tags, likes, mentions, and comments

  • Someone tags you in a video.

  • Someone likes one of your videos.

  • Someone @mentions you in a comment or video description.

  • Someone comments on your video or responds to your comment.


  • A video is added to a collection you're subscribed to.

  • A video is tagged with a tag you're subscribed to.

  • A video is shared by a person you follow.

View notifications in Rewatch

You can view all your notifications by navigating to the Notifications page in the sidebar. If you have new notifications, you’ll be alerted with a blue numbered badge.

In the mobile app, click on Notifications in the bottom menu.

Screenshot showing notifications in the Rewatch app

Act on notifications in Rewatch

You can also take several actions directly on your notifications. You can:

  • Click on notifications to jump to the relevant video or comment.

  • Mark notifications as “Done” individually or mark them all at once.

  • Like a video or add it to your queue to watch later.

  • Keep a notification for later by marking it as “Not done”.

Note: Notifications automatically get marked as “Done” if you’ve already seen the update, e.g. if you view a video that’s been shared with you before checking your notifications. Notifications also get marked as “Done” after you click on them.

Screenshot showing how you can respond to notifications in the Rewatch app

Reply to comment notifications via email

If you've opted in to receive email notifications, you can reply to comments directly from the notification email. This is especially helpful if you work in your email inbox a lot because you can keep the conversation going without having to switch tabs.

Customize your notifications

By default, you’ll receive email and mobile push notifications for all new activity. Here’s how you can customize your notifications:

  1. Click your profile picture in the top right corner.

  2. Select Notifications under My settings.

  3. Choose the notifications you’d like to receive.

Opt in to mobile push notifications

If you’ve downloaded our iOS app on your iPhone or iPad, you can also choose to receive mobile push notifications. You can adjust your settings to receive notifications on just mobile push, just email, or both.

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