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Roles & permissions on your channel

Rewatch's roles give you granular permissions so your team has the right access to content and tools.

Natalie Pabón avatar
Written by Natalie Pabón
Updated over a week ago

Below you'll find a full breakdown of roles and permissions across Rewatch, here's a summarized version to give a sense of what roles exist and what they're generally for:

  • Members: this is the default role for users on your channel. They can access published videos and collections, as well as manage their own videos and meetings.

  • Guests: people with this role operate like members, but they only get access to specific collections that are shared with them — private or public.

  • Collection Contributors: this role is granted when given access to a secret collection. They can see a collection and its sub-collections, as well as add their videos.

  • Collection Editors: this role grants the ability to manage a specific collection — editing, adding sub-collections, managing collection contributors, etc.

  • Channel Admins: a channel-wide role, they can manage any video or collection they have access to, they're also able to manage channel settings and users.

  • Channel Owners: the most permissive role, they have full access to every setting, collection, and video on the channel — including secret collections and private videos that haven't been explicitly shared with them.

Channel-level permissions

Legend: 🟢 Permitted · 🔴 Not permitted · 🟡 Based on setting

Channel Member

Channel Admin

Channel Owner

Access channel settings




Access billing




Add/remove people




Grant admin privileges




Grant owner privileges




Customize channel home




Create top-level collection

🟡 If enabled



Video-level permissions

Channel Member

Channel Admin

Channel Owner

Create videos




View video when published or shared with them




Edit other people's video if published or shared with them




View and edit other people's private video, even if not shared with them




Public collection permissions

Channel Member

Collection Editor


Channel Owner

View public collection





Edit details and settings





Add sub-collection





Add own videos to collection





Add other people's videos to collection





Edit videos in collection





Add Collection Editor





Secret collection permissions

Channel Member

Collection Contributor

Collection Editor

Channel Admin

Channel Owner

View secret collection




If invited


Edit details and settings




If invited


View sub-collections




If invited


Add sub-collections




If invited


Add own videos to collection




If invited


Add other people's videos to collection




If invited


Edit videos in collection




If invited


Add Collection Editor






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